Make the diagnosis
The technical diagnosis is achieved through the analysis and synthesis of the available data, using not only the inventory information or the physical and logical characteristics of the equipment, but with the help of various tools or reports that will allow us to establish from certain symptoms what problems or what deficiencies there are.
The following aspects are also reviewed in our work methodology:
• Strategy and Planning
• Compliance with the Legal framework
• Security and availability of the Service
• Systems Administration and Maintenance
• User Support
• Procedures and documentation.
The result of this phase must be the identification of risks and aspects that present opportunities for improvement.
In order to have High Level information to have a clear vision of the situation, a summary will be presented with some specific indicators in traffic light format: RED for the most critical and indispensable, YELLOW for highly recommended and GREEN for advice on improvement.
In this way we obtain the end-to-end view of the state, the level of criticality and an explanation of the risks involved in each incident found.
You can quickly distinguish between critical and non-critical risks: For example, issues of backup or obsolescence of equipment, operating systems and programs are critical.