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What’s computer consulting?

IT consulting is a process in which a company specialized in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) advises other businesses on how to implement new technologies to increase productivity and improve internal processes. This service is particularly useful for rapidly growing companies, those in sectors that have evolved technologically, young companies without standardized processes, and those with high IT security requirements.

Our Computer Consulting Methodology

Kiralia offers customized IT consulting projects, analyzing our clients’ technological infrastructure and proposing solutions that suit their needs and way of working. Our methodology, called K-DiagnosTic, consists of three main phases:

At K-DiagnosTic there are three main tasks to develop:

Define the current situation

Initial phase of analysis with research areas

Create the diagnosis

Identification of IT shortcomings based on the initial analysis.

Propose treatment and improvement

Suggestions for solutions based on the created diagnosis.

The key ideas of our service include detecting hidden risks, optimizing existing resources or renewing obsolete ones, saving on IT costs, and improving competitiveness. For example, issues like uncontrolled backups or expired maintenance on critical equipment are more common than one might think. With K-DiagnosTic, we identify these risks and propose appropriate solutions.